Take A Step


Western Slope Empowerment Services and Classes

In today’s technological world, young people are exposed to graphic and sexual material at a younger and younger age. Despite that, statistics show that youth are making more empowered choices for themselves than we did at their age — which is great news! We want to continue to support youth in making informed and healthy choices for themselves by giving them scientifically accurate information in a healthy, non-threatening setting with adults they trust. Our workshops are designed to do just that! We do this by either working directly with youth, or by training the adults that will serve as trusted people in youths’ lives.

Learn more about our different services and classes and sign up below! You can also see a calendar of all our upcoming events by visiting our Events Page. Don’t see what you’re looking for? Shoot us an email and we will work with you to create a class that fits your needs.

One-Session Classes for Adults

Askable Adult Workshop

An experiential style workshop intended to help professionals develop the skills and knowledge to discuss sexual topics effectively and become more comfortable answering the questions that young people may ask. Topics include: puberty, sexual health, relationships, consent, and other sensitive topics.

Ideal Participants

Foster parents, teachers, court appointed advocates, child welfare staff, therapists, healthcare providers, or other professionals who may receive questions from youth about sexual health and relationships
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Beyond the Birds and the Bees

This workshop is designed to give parents and guardians support and education to empower them to have healthy sexual conversations with youth in their care. Topics include: Colorado sexual laws, establishing and communicating sexual boundaries, connection to age-appropriate sexual education materials, protecting vulnerable populations from sexual abuse and methods for answering young people’s sexual questions.

Ideal Participants:

Parents, legal guardians, grandparents
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Multi-Session Classes for Youth

Independence Road Risk-Reduction Class for Youth

A fun, fast paced experiential style curriculum covering topics including: sexual boundaries, mental health, reducing substance use and strategies for making healthier decisions.

Ideal Participants

Youth ages 12-18 who are engaging in risky behaviors
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One-Session Classes for Youth

Healthy Relationships Workshop

A 2-3 hour session covering topics including: identifying healthy vs. toxic relationships, how to and coping with a break up, and tools for handling conflicts effectively.

Ideal Participants

Youth and young adults
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Sexual Boundaries & Consent Workshop

A 2-3 hour session covering topics including: identifying sexual values, sexual consent components, consent laws, and techniques for communicating one’s boundaries to others.

Ideal Participants:

Youth and young adults
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Sex Education 101 Workshop

A 2-3 hour session covering topics including: sexual and gender identity spectrum, safe sex practices, condom demonstration and facts about sexually transmitted infections.

Ideal Participants

Youth and young adults
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Handling Conflict in Relationships Workshop

A 2-3 hour session covering topics including: emotion identification, emotion regulation skills, communication strategies, identifying and communicating boundaries.

Ideal Participants:

Youth and young adults
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